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2024-02-03 23:56:17
美[ræli]  英[ræli]
n.  集会;(价值等)回升;回合
vi.  重整旗鼓;恢复精神;(人)集合起来
vt.  嘲弄;重新召集;激励
  名词复数:rallies  过去式:rallied  过去分词:rallied  现在分词:rallying  第三人称单数:rallies


  1. 群众大会,公众集会,集会
  2. 公路汽车赛,汽车竞赛,汽车拉力赛
  3. 重新振作,挽回颓势,重整旗鼓
  4. 重新集合,集合
  5. 嘲笑,挖苦
  6. 示威行动
  7. 【网球】连续打回,连续对打
  8. 恢复气力,复元
  1. 恢复健康,恢复气力,复元
  2. 振作精神,重新振作
  3. 纠合,重行集合,(人)集合起来
  4. 嘲笑,嘲弄,挖苦,开玩笑
  5. 挽回颓势
  6. 【网球】打回去,连续对打
  7. 重整(队伍)
  8. 召集,重新召集
  9. 团结
  10. 价格回升,跌后回升
  11. 激励


  1. [C]集会,(群众)大会 a large especially political public meeting
  2. [C]公路汽车赛,(汽车的)长途赛车 a motor race over public roads
  1. vi. & vt. 集合起来 come together
  2. vi. & vt. 恢复; 复原 return to a former good state


  1. a large gathering of people intended to arouse enthusiasm
  2. the feat of mustering strength for a renewed effort;

    "he singled to start a rally in the 9th inning" "he feared the rallying of their troops for a counterattack"

  3. a marked recovery of strength or spirits during an illness
  4. an automobile race run over public roads
  5. (sports) an unbroken sequence of several successive strokes;

    "after a short rally Connors won the point"

  1. gather;

    "drum up support"

  2. call to arms; of military personnel
  3. gather or bring together;

    "muster the courage to do something" "she rallied her intellect" "Summon all your courage"

  4. return to a former condition;

    "The jilted lover soon rallied and found new friends" "The stock market rallied"

  5. harass with persistent criticism or carping;

    "The children teased the new teacher" "Dont ride me so hard over my failure" "His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie"


  1. party rally政党集会
  1. rally all the villagers把全体村民动员起来
  2. rally ones spirits恢复精神
  1. rally ardently积极地集合起来
  2. rally casually漫不经心地集合起来
  3. rally cautiously小心翼翼地集合起来
  4. rally cheerfully兴高采烈地集合起来
  5. rally conscientiously诚心诚意地集合起来
  6. rally courageously有勇气地集合起来
  7. rally faithfully忠诚地集合起来
  8. rally fearlessly无畏地集合起来
  9. rally gallantly英勇地集合起来
  10. rally immediately立即集合起来
  11. rally ingeniously巧妙地集合起来
  12. rally insidiously不知不觉地集合起来
  13. rally instinctively凭直觉集合起来
  14. rally intermittently断断续续地集合起来
  15. rally involuntarily不由自主地集合起来
  16. rally manfully果断地集合起来
  17. rally prematurely提前集合起来
  18. rally reasonably合理地集合起来
  19. rally recklessly轻率地集合起来
  20. rally simultaneously同一时间地集合起来
  21. rally strenuously艰难地集合起来
  22. rally temporarily暂时集合起来
  23. rally round齐心协力给予帮助
  1. rally for为…集结
  2. rally from开始复原,开始好转
  3. rally in在…中团结
  4. rally on取笑
  5. rally round聚集起来支持,聚集在…周围
  6. rally to共同支持


  1. They will hold a peace rally.他们要举行一个拥护和平的大会。
  2. Countless people joined the rally at the square.不计其数的人参加了广场上的集会。
  3. After a brief rally share fall back to a new low.股票经过一次短暂回升后回落到一个新的低点。
  4. His sudden rally surprised the doctor.他的突然复元使医生大为惊奇。
  5. Boston won that game with a 3-run rally in the bottom of the 9th inning.在第9局的下半场,波士顿队以一个三分回合赢得了比赛。
  1. The team was thrown onto the defensive as their opponents rallied.该队在对手重整旗鼓后,被迫采取守势。
  2. You should rally your courage.你应该鼓起勇气。
  3. Her spirits rallied on hearing the good news.她听到这个好消息精神又振作起来。
  4. They rallied to their leaders cause.他们团结一致支持领袖的事业。
  1. The commander was able to rally the fleeing troops.指挥官能够重整其溃散的部队。
  2. I rally you to this noble cause.我召集您加入到这一伟大行动中来。
  3. It was time to rally our own defense force.是时候组织我们自己的防卫队了。
  4. The team captain vainly tried to rally his troops.队长试图振作部队的士气,但没有成功。


    rally的基本意思是“集合起来”,指把许多分散的人或物聚在一起。含有先前因力量分散或不集中造成了懒散、倦怠,集合起来后唤醒了注意力,振奋了精神的意味,引申可表示“复苏”“恢复”等。 rally既可作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。用作不及物动词时,可接介词短语充当状语。