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2024-02-04 00:02:17
美  英
n.  拉玛(印度教最高神)


  1. avatar of Vishnu whose name is synonymous with God; any of three incarnations: Ramachandra or Parashurama or Balarama;

    "in Hindu folklore Rama is the epitome of chivalry and courage and obedience to sacred law"


  1. How can I start practicing yoga at Rama? 如何开始在瑞玛练习瑜伽?
  2. Dont you see how bitterly Rama wept for Sita? 你看见罗摩为悉达哭泣是多么悲痛吗?
  3. One of those honored was Edi Rama, the mayor of Tirana, Albania. 其中一个受到表彰的是阿尔巴尼亚蒂若那市的市长埃迪?若玛。
  4. Once Hanuman came to Dwaraka and wanted to see Sita and Rama. 哈奴曼一次来到了达瓦拉克,想去看悉达与罗摩。
  5. Rama also killed Vali, the monkey-King of Kishkindhya. 罗摩也杀了Kishkindhya的猴王伐利。
  6. In recent years the cult of Rama has become associated with Hindu Nationalism. 在最近几年中,罗摩的信徒变得与印度民族主义连结在一起。