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2024-02-04 00:41:17
美[ræmpənsɪ]  英[ræmpənsɪ]
n.  猖厥;蔓延;跋扈


  1. Sickness was rampant in the country. 疾病在这个国家猖獗。
  2. Cholera was rampant in the district. 这个区里霍乱蔓延十分严重。
  3. Rampant ivy had covered the wall. 密密的常春藤遮住了这面墙。
  4. A rampant growth of weeds in the neglected yard. 杂草在未被妥善照管的院子里滋长
  5. Deplored the rampant consumerism of contemporary society. 对当代社会中狂热的拜金思想深感遗憾
  6. The rampant clapping has been broken out of people. 人们爆发了疯狂的掌声。