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2024-02-04 01:13:16
美  英
n.  兰德尔(男子名;亦作Randal)


  1. I cant smack Randall: he is too big. 我不能拍兰得尔几巴掌,因为他太大了。
  2. Randall and Jessica are at a restaurant. 兰道尔和杰西卡在一家餐厅里,
  3. "Oh, Captain Randall, dont scold them! "唔,兰德尔队长,请不要责备他们!
  4. The Art of Assembly Programming, Randall Hyde. 汇编编程的完整的参考。
  5. Why was Randall jealous of Sulley? 兰德尔为什么嫉妒苏利?
  6. Lusch, Patrick Dunne, Randall Gebhardt. 书名 :Retail marketing /Robert F.