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2024-02-04 03:34:17
美[reɪt]  英[reɪt]
n.  比率;速度;价格;费用;等级
v.  认为;估价;定等级;值得;怒斥;责骂
  过去式:rated  过去分词:rated  现在分词:rating  第三人称单数:rates


  1. 比率,率
  2. 速度,速率
  3. 价格,费用
  4. 等级
  5. 进度,程度
  6. 行市
  7. 房地产税,地方税
  8. 估价
  9. (钟表的)快慢差率
  1. 评价,评估
  2. 估价,对...估价
  3. 列为
  4. 认为…是好的,看好
  5. 划分等级,分等,对分级
  6. 值得,配得上
  7. 推崇,赞赏
  8. 定...的速率,定...的费率
  9. 应得
  10. <英>给...核定应缴税款,评估征税现值
  11. 【海】定等级
  12. 找出快慢差率
  13. 申斥,斥责,骂
  14. <口>受欢迎
  15. 看做,认为
  16. 有(某种)价值


  1. [C]比率,率 a quantity such as value, cost, or speed, measured by its relation to some other amount
  2. [C]费用,价格 a charge or payment fixed according to a standard scale
  3. [P]房地产税,市政服务税 a local tax paid in Britain by owners of buildings for locally provided services
  4. [C]等级,水准 of the second-rate team
  1. vt. & vi. 估价; 评估征税现值 put a value on; value for the purpose of assessing rates on
  2. vt. & vi. 认为; 把…算作 consider; regard as
  3. vt. & link-v. 定级 place in certain class


  1. a magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit;

    "they traveled at a rate of 55 miles per hour" "the rate of change was faster than expected"

  2. amount of a charge or payment relative to some basis;

    "a 10-minute phone call at that rate would cost $5"

  3. the relative speed of progress or change;

    "he lived at a fast pace" "he works at a great rate" "the pace of events accelerated"

  4. a quantity or amount or measure considered as a proportion of another quantity or amount or measure;

    "the literacy rate" "the retention rate" "the dropout rate"

  1. assign a rank or rating to;

    "how would you rank these students?" "The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide"

  2. be worthy of or have a certain rating;

    "This bond rates highly"

  3. estimate the value of;

    "How would you rate his chances to become President?" "Gold was rated highly among the Romans"


  1. change〔control, increase, show〕 the rate改变〔控制,增加,显示〕比率〔速度,价格〕
  2. compare the rate of sth比较某物的比率〔速度,费用〕
  3. cut〔decrease, lower〕 a rate降低比率〔速率,费用〕
  4. fix a rate确定比率
  5. keep the rate of保持…的比率〔速率〕
  6. set a rate规定比率
  1. reasonable〔regular〕 rate合理〔正常〕的价格
  2. seasonal〔monthly, weekly〕 rate每季〔月,周〕收费
  3. annual rate年利率
  4. current〔present〕 rate现行比率
  5. fair〔fixed〕 rate合理〔固定〕的比率〔价格〕
  6. fast〔rapid, great〕 rate快〔很高〕的速度
  7. full rate全速
  8. moderate〔slow, steady〕 rate适当〔缓慢,稳定〕的速度
  9. maximum〔minimum〕 rate最高〔低〕比率〔速度,费用〕
  10. postal rates邮资
  11. primary〔prime〕 rate基本〔最优惠〕利率
  12. survival rate成活率
  13. the high〔low〕 rate高〔低〕价
  14. uniform rate均匀的速率
  1. bank〔exchange, interest, turnover〕 rate贴现〔汇,利,周转〕率
  2. birth〔export〕 rate出生〔出口〕率
  3. accident〔attendance〕 rate事故〔出勤〕率
  4. bargain rate讨价还价的价格
  5. first rate一流
  6. insurance〔telephone〕 rate保险〔电话〕费用
  1. at a certain rate以某个比率
  2. at an easy rate非常容易地
  3. at any rate无论如何
  4. by no rate绝对没有
  5. with a good rate快速地工作
  1. rate among认为,把…算作(之一)
  2. rate as把…看作
  3. rate as excellent看作上等
  4. rate as second为二级
  5. rate at把…估〔评价〕为,估计(财产)应赋税的价值为
  6. rate at three pounds估价为3英镑
  7. rate with认为,把…算作
  1. rate the house给房子价估
  2. rate ones merits评价某人的功绩
  3. rate this restaurant eight将这家餐馆列为八级
  1. rate high定级很高
  1. rate low对…评价不高
  2. rate disagreeably不同意地认为
  3. rate harshly粗略地估价
  4. rate heavily课以重税
  5. rate highly评价很高
  6. rate soundly充分认为
  7. rate wrathfully怒气冲冲地认为
  8. rate up相应地提高
  9. rate up the insurance payments相应地提高保险费


  1. House price is rising at a higher rate than inflation.房价比通货膨胀上涨的比率高。
  2. The birth rate is the number of births compared to the number of the people.出生率是出生数与人口数的比率。
  3. Prices keep rising at a dizzy rate.物价以极快的速度不断上涨。
  4. What is the advertising rate in your newspaper?你们报纸的广告价格是多少?
  5. They charge a fixed rate for each transaction.他们对办理的每项业务收取一定的费用。
  6. Her performance did not rate very high in the competition.她的表演在这次比赛中等级不算很高。
  7. A yellow orange sun gives off a particular vibratory rate.一个橘黄太阳发出特定振动等级。
  1. The novel was rated a brilliant performance.这部小说被认为是一部出色的作品。
  2. His house was rated at one million.他的房屋被估价为一百万英镑。
  3. He was rated as a midshipman.他被定为海军学校见习生的等级。
  4. That joke didnt rate a laugh.那个笑话不值得一笑。


    rate的基本意思是“估价”,可用于指“评估”财产的征税现值。引申可表示“认为”“把…算作”“定级”等。 rate既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语,在宾语补足语为one时as常省略。可用于被动结构。rate用作不及物动词时常与as引起的短语连用,这时主动形式含有被动意义,作“被认为是”解。 rate有时还可用作系动词,接形容词作表语,意为“定级”。