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2024-02-04 04:03:17
美[ˌreɪʃioʊsɪneɪʃn]  英[ˌrætiˌɒsɪneɪʃn]
n.  推理;推论


  1. the proposition arrived at by logical reasoning (such as the proposition that must follow from the major and minor premises of a syllogism)
  2. logical and methodical reasoning


  1. Bodhisattva fearlessness arises from the powers of ratiocination. 善能回答说法无畏;
  2. Theres no difference of Win or lose, or good or bad in ratiocination. 推理是没有胜负、好坏之分的。
  3. Your thesis short for the accurate ratiocination to suppose your argument. 你的论文缺少能证明你的论点的正确推理.
  4. Day Yeong-tyi asked that if the book referred to training in addition to cerebral memory, for example, ratiocination. 戴永禔先生问,书中是否提及大脑记忆以外的训练,例如推理?
  5. PS: This is not a gut-feelings question. please come out with your logical ratiocination. 就这么一道题,倒下一批人。大家把答案写上来,哈。
  6. We still read with pleasure his pieces of "ratiocination" ; though he sometimes exhibits in them to a naive degree his pride in logic and learning. 我们依然爱读他的推理小说;虽然他有时幼稚可笑地卖弄他的逻辑学和学问。