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2024-02-04 04:22:16
美[rætuːn]  英[rætuːn]
n.  从收割的根部再长出的新牙或嫩枝
  过去式:ratooned  过去分词:ratooned  现在分词:ratooning  第三人称单数:ratoons


  1. In addition, the average percentages of infected stalks in plant and ratoon cane were 64.2% and 61.3%, respectively. 新植蔗发生率64.;2%25;宿根蔗发生率61
  2. The yield of the main rice leached 3000kg/hm2 or more and the total yield of main and ratoon rice exce-ded 11250k/hm2. 再生稻可达3000kg/hm~2以上;两季总产可超过11250kg/hm~2.
  3. The ratoon cane continuously was treated by spraying 0 mg/L and 100 mg/L ethephon at young and booming stages, respectively. 宿根蔗继续用0mg/L和100mg/L乙烯利分别在甘蔗苗期、伸长盛期叶面喷施。
  4. Furthermore, sugarcane ratoon stunning disease pathogen can be rapidly detected by means of television phase contrast microscope and PCR. 利用电视相差显微镜和PCR技术结合能快速诊断甘蔗宿根矮化病。
  5. Leaf Mulching significantly increase the Brix, sucrose content and polarization of cane juice, thus improving the quality of ratoon cane. 4. 新植蔗覆盖蔗叶能明显提高宿根蔗的田间锤度、蔗汁蔗糖分和蔗汁转光度,从而改善宿根蔗的品质。
  6. To get highest yield when it was planted as ratoon rice, the first crop should be harvested on Aug 10 to Aug 14, and remained the culm by the height of 45cm-50cm. 鄂糯9号作再生稻栽培时,适时收割(8月10日-14日)头季稻和适度的留桩高度(45cm-50cm)收益最佳。