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2024-02-04 04:51:16
美[rætˌtræp]  英[rættræp]
n.  捕鼠机;绝望的状态


  1. a difficult entangling situation
  2. filthy run-down dilapidated housing
  3. a trap for catching rats


  1. "In the rattrap,sir,"replied the boy. “在捕鼠夹上,先生。”那小男孩说。
  2. Sometimes it is not the rattrap that destroys you; it is the rain that has falen into your heart ruins you. 有些时候,摧毁你的并不是你身处的困境,而是那已经落入你心灵的雨。
  3. But, all things considered, even this luxury was forbidden me; I was caught in the rattrap irrevocably. 但是我想来想去,没有什么东西允许我有这种享受,一切都禁止我作这种非分之想,那不可逆转的进程又抓住了我。
  4. Then,he will root for me as i am in any rattrap at any time,and he is my best friend,also the person that i trusted. 无论你何时遇到困难,他都会帮助你的,他是我最好的朋友,也是我值得信赖的人。
  5. According to the rattrap of the product, this article has made a clear research on the value-declining problem and the customer churning problem. 本文通过研究西安市电信公司小灵通业务的发展现状,提出了小灵通业务面临用户ARPU值降低和离网率居高不下的问题;
  6. Thoughts on the Ontology of Tragic Rattrap 悲剧困境的本体论思考