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2024-02-04 04:57:17
美[rɔːkəsnəs]  英[rɔːkəsnəs]
n.  沙哑声;粗声


  1. The Times, Matt Dickinson : “The idea that his team might be rattled by the raucousness of a febrile occasion had seemed fanciful, but something made Chelsea unusually subdued in the first 30 minutes. “狂热的主场气氛可能让穆里尼奥的队伍感到不安,这样的想法看来有些异想天开,但的的确确有什么东西使得切尔西的前30分钟不同寻常的疲软。
  2. Push lineup switch to different position, original sound, scream similar to ord women sound and raucousness similar to old men sound will become, when playing the recorded message. A、可用于录音信息。当播放所录的信息时,讲调节开关推至不同的位置,将产生三种不同的生意, 即原声、尖叫声、沙哑声( To be used for recording message.