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2024-02-04 05:30:16
美[reɪ]  英[reɪ]
n.  Ray.
vi.  发光;辐射
vt.  释放射线;用光线装饰
sp.  雷(人名)
  过去式:rayed  过去分词:rayed  现在分词:raying  第三人称单数:rays


  1. 光线
  2. 射线
  3. 闪烁,闪光
  4. 光辉
  5. 辐肋
  6. 放射状线条
  7. 闪现
  8. 【植】伞形花序枝,星状毛分枝
  9. 热线
  10. 曙光,一线光明
  11. 雷(音译名)
  12. 【动】鹞鱼
  13. 辐射状物
  14. 【动】鳍刺
  1. 放射(光线),射出(光线),投射,辐射,照射, 释放射线
  2. 显出,闪现,浮现
  3. 光芒四射
  4. 令人活受罪
  5. 以射线治疗
  6. 发光
  7. 用光线装饰


  1. [C]光束,光线 a narrow beam of light, especially one of a group going out from the same centre
  2. [C]射线 a beam of heat, electricity, or some other form of energy
  3. [C]一线 a very small bit (of hope or comfort)


  1. a column of light (as from a beacon)
  2. a branch of an umbel or an umbelliform inflorescence
  3. (mathematics) a straight line extending from a point
  4. a group of nearly parallel lines of electromagnetic radiation
  5. the syllable naming the second (supertonic) note of any major scale in solmization
  6. any of the stiff bony spines in the fin of a fish
  7. cartilaginous fishes having horizontally flattened bodies and enlarged winglike pectoral fins with gills on the underside; most swim by moving the pectoral fins
  1. emit as rays;

    "That tower rays a laser beam for miles across the sky"

  2. extend or spread outward from a center or focus or inward towards a center;

    "spokes radiate from the hub of the wheel" "This plants radiate spines in all directions"

  3. expose to radiation;

    "irradiate food"


  1. concentrate rays of light聚光
  2. diffuse rays扩散光线
  3. emit rays射出光线,发光
  4. expose sth to rays暴露于…光之下
  5. focus a ray聚光
  6. pour down therays洒下光线
  7. reflect rays反射光线
  8. send out rays发光
  9. shoot rays射光
  10. shut out rays遮住光
  1. cosmic rays宇宙射线
  2. infrared rays红外线
  3. solar rays太阳光
  4. ultraviolet rays紫外线
  1. cathode rays阴极射线
  2. death ray死光
  3. heat rays热射线
  4. light rays光线
  5. the suns rays太阳光线
  6. X rays X射线,X光
  1. ray gun光线枪
  1. send out in rays以光线形式射出
  1. a ray of一束…,一道…,一线
  2. a ray of hope一线希望
  3. a ray of light一道亮光
  4. rays of the sun shimmering阳光闪耀


  1. Ray take a gulp of coffee and rushed out of the room.雷喝了一大口咖啡,接着便冲出了房间。
  1. As time went on,his intelligence rayed out more brightly.随着时间的推移,他的智慧之光愈加灿烂夺目。
  2. We saw a ray at the aquarium.我们在水族馆看见了一只鳐。
  3. Besides, a global ray-tube tracing method is presented, which is to trace the global wave tubes instead of the many small ray tubes for simulating wave propagations in urban areas.另外,本论文提出广射线柱追踪法,其中乃是追踪整体射向建筑物表面之辐射电波,有别于一般射线追踪法将发射天线的辐射电波以多个小射线柱来模拟。


    ray的基本意思是“光束,光线”,一般指发光体如太阳或月亮等发出来的光线,也可作“射线”解,指热、电或其他形式的能的射线,用作这两种意思时,常以复数形式出现。 ray还可作“一线”解,常与a与of连用,意思是“一线…”,表示微量、丝毫。 ray用于比喻可指“智慧之光”。