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2023-11-22 00:48:16
英音[weliŋtən] ;美音[weliŋtən] ;

名词 威灵顿[美国将军]



(19th century) a mans high tasseled boot

the capital of New Zealand

British general and statesman; he defeated Napoleon at Waterloo; subsequently served as Prime Minister (1769-1852)


duke of wellington phr. 威灵顿公爵

wellington boot phr. 防水长统靴

beef wellington phr. 威灵顿牛排

first duke of wellington phr. 威灵顿公爵

Filet of Beef Wellington 威灵顿牛柳

Beef Wellington 威灵顿牛柳

wear well 耐穿,耐用,经久;保养好,不显老

lower powered 低功率的

lowering wedges 拆除架楔

Tweedledum and Tweedledee 极端相像的两人;难以分辨的两个人或两件事物(Lewis Carroll笔下创造出的两兄弟)

Wellington n.惠灵顿

wellington n. 威灵顿[美国将军]新西兰首都,地球上最靠南的城市。

we pron. 1. 我们,咱们 2. 人们 3. 朕,寡人(指皇帝、女王或教皇的自称)

WE pron. 我们

We abbr.1.Weber number 韦伯数

weewee n. 撒尿vi. 撒尿

welterweight n. 轻中量级选手

jewelweed n. 凤仙花之一种

feedwell 供料口

fewer adj.较少的