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2024-02-04 07:17:17
美[riːəlaɪz]  英[riːəlaɪz]
vt.  实现;了解;意识到;变卖
  形容词:realizable  名词:realizer  过去式:realized  过去分词:realized  现在分词:realizing  第三人称单数:realizes


  1. 实现
  2. 使成为事实,将…变为现实
  3. 变卖产业为现钱;变卖,变现
  4. 实行
  5. 实认,实感,领悟,体会
  6. 使显得逼真,如实表现,写实
  7. 赚到,实得(若干钱),获(利)
  8. 领悟,了解,认识到
  9. <书>把卖得,售得,把变卖
  10. 发生,产生
  11. 以…价格卖出
  12. 把具体表现出来


  1. vt. 实现 make real a hope or purpose; carry out
  2. vt. 了解; 认识到 understand and believe a fact
  3. vt. & vi. 变卖; 赚得 change into money by selling; get money by selling


  1. be fully aware or cognizant of
  2. perceive (an idea or situation) mentally;

    "Now I see!" "I just cant see your point" "Does she realize how important this decision is?" "I dont understand the idea"

  3. make real or concrete; give reality or substance to;

    "our ideas must be substantiated into actions"

  4. earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages;

    "How much do you make a month in your new job?" "She earns a lot in her new job" "this merger brought in lots of money" "He clears $5,000 each month"

  5. convert into cash; of goods and property
  6. expand or complete (a part in a piece of baroque music) by supplying the harmonies indicated in the figured bass


  1. realize aim实现目标
  2. realize ambitions实现抱负
  3. realize danger意识到危险
  4. realize error认识到错误
  5. realize goal实现目标
  6. realize hopes实现希望
  7. realize intention实现意图
  8. realize limitations清楚局限性
  9. realize property变卖房产
  10. realize sacred causes实现神圣事业
  11. realize scheme实现计划
  12. realize task完成任务
  13. realize the full implication认识到全部含义
  14. realize the significance认识到…的意义
  15. realize wish实现愿望
  1. realize actually真正认识到
  2. realize clearly清楚地认识到
  3. realize dimly模糊地认识到
  4. realize emphatically惊人地意识到
  5. realize faintly模糊地认识到
  6. realize fully充分地认识到
  7. realize gloriously愉快地领会
  8. realize hardly很难体会到
  9. realize instinctively本能地意识到
  10. realize keenly敏锐地认识到
  11. realize nervously不安地意识到
  12. realize piteously令人同情地认识到
  13. realize shockingly令人震惊地意识到
  14. realize sickeningly使人厌恶地了解到
  15. realize speedily很快地领悟
  16. realize vaguely模糊地认识到
  17. realize vividly清楚地认识
  1. realize from从…领悟到
  2. realize from ones remarks从某人话语中领悟到
  3. realize on从…赚得…


  1. My wishes have been realized.我的愿望实现了。
  2. Now I will step forward to realize this wish.现在,我想传递并实现这个愿望。
  3. Master teaches us this so that we will pursue spiritual practice and realize the permanence of our God nature.师父教导我们这个道理,好让我们努力修行以了解佛性才是永恒。
  4. We figure that when you see us all, and realize the way we feel, youll maybe change your minds.估计你们见到我们这些人,了解到我们的心情之后,说不定会回心转意吧。
  5. Im sorry to say I didnt realize that.很遗憾我并不了解此事。
  6. Only after you lose your health, will you realize the importance of health.唯有在失去健康之后,我们才能意识到健康的重要。
  7. They didnt realize their fault till we pointed it out to them.直到我们向他们指出了他们的错误,他们才意识到。
  8. The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.珍爱一切的好办法是:意识到你可能会失去它。
  9. Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off?你知道这些衬衫都卖半价了吗?
  10. How much did you realize on those paintings?那些画你卖了多少钱?
  11. The furniture realized 900 at the sale.拍卖这家具获900英镑。
  12. He realized the house.他变卖了房子。


    realize的基本意思是使梦想、计划、希望等成为现实。引申可指人清楚地明白、领悟、体会到某事,诸如“无能”“危险”“差错”“困难”等。在非正式口语中, realize有时能作“认出”解。 realize可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词或that/wh-从句作宾语。作“了解”“认识到”解时不用于进行体,也不用于被动结构; 作“实现”解时可用于被动结构。 realize可接介词from,表示“从…获得”,接on表示“通过出售…获得”。 realize在英式拼法中也可拼作realise。


  1. 没人知道他是否能来。

    Nobody realized whether he was coming.

    Nobody knew whether he was coming.

    realize作“认识到”解时,指的是知晓某件事(实事),而不是未确定的事; 而know的宾语可以指未确定的事。