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2024-02-04 08:02:17
美[ˌriːəsend]  英[ˌriːəsend]
v.  再上升


  1. Subject_Topical_Eng: Yunnan Reascend Science &Technology Co. 云南瑞升科技有限公司;
  2. In May 2005, Reascend was honored the “Superior Unit in Investment Affairs”. 2005年5月被高新区管委会授予“昆明高新区招商引资先进单位”荣誉称号。
  3. In September, 2001, Reascend was qualified as the Provincial High and New Tech Enterprise of Yunnan. 2001年9月公司被认定为云南省高新技术企业。
  4. At the same time, Reascend was proved the Supplier of Flavor and fragrance for cigarette by the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration. 公司被国家烟草专卖局指定的烟用香精香料定点供应企业。
  5. By sacrificing enough blood, the caster shatters the infernal prison of a Fallen Angel, allowing it to reascend to the Earthly Spheres. 通过牺牲足够的生命,法师粉碎囚禁一位堕落天使的炼狱囚笼,让他重回地面。
  6. In Dec, 2001, Yunnan Kunchuan-Reascend Sci. &Tech..Co., Ltd. (KCRS) was established as a joint venture by Reascend and Kunming Shipbuilding Equipment Group Co. 2001年12月公司与昆明船舶设备集团有限公司联合成立云南昆船瑞升科技有限公司。