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2024-02-04 08:26:17
美[riːətempt]  英[riːətempt]
n.  再尝试;重新尝试
v.  再尝试


  1. If ventilation attempt is u ucce ful, reposition the clients head and reattempt rescue breathing again. 如人工勇气失败,重新放置病人头部,再次开始抢救呼吸。
  2. The risk factors for suicide reattempt included history of family psychosis or suicidal behavior,and a poor social support and maintenance therapeutic effect. 再次出现自杀的危险因素有阳性精神病和自杀家族史、社会支持状态较差、维持治疗不好等。
  3. If ventilation attempt is u ucce ful, reposition the clients head and reattempt rescue breathing again. If ventilation attempt remaiu ucce ful, the airway may be o tructed by a foreign body that will need to be removed. 如人工勇气失败,重新放置病人头部,再次开始抢救呼吸。如再次失败,气道可能有异物堵塞,需要去除异物。