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2024-02-04 09:04:17
美[rɪbaʊndə]  英[rɪbaʊndə]
n.  善于篮板球之球员


  1. A collision followed by a rebound. 撞击弹回撞击一下再弹开
  2. She quarrelled with Paul and then married Peter on the rebound. 她和保罗争吵后愤而嫁给了彼得。
  3. His courageous words took his depressed supporters on the rebound. 他的言词颇有胆量,鼓舞了那些本已垂头丧气的支持者。
  4. Light will rebound from a shiny surface. 光遇到发亮的表面会反射回来。
  5. Said he doesnt see Yi ever being the rebounder Tyson is and putting up 20 rebound games, but he can be the shotblocker Tyson is. 他说虽然未曾见阿联像钱德勒那样成为一个能一场球拿20个篮板的篮板手,但阿联能像钱德勒那样盖帽。
  6. His evil doings will rebound upon himself. 他干坏事将受到报应。