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2024-02-04 11:25:16
美[rɪklaɪnər]  英[rɪklaɪnə(r)]
n.  斜倚物;斜靠着的人;装有软垫的躺椅


  1. an armchair whose back can be lowered and foot can be raised to allow the sitter to recline in it


  1. A man sat in a recliner drinking beer. 一个男人坐在活动躺椅上喝啤酒。
  2. The recliner on the couch was asleep. 沙发上躺著的人睡著了。
  3. As I hung up the phone, the man in the recliner stood up. 我挂断电话,这名男子在炉站立起来。
  4. If you want to relax,you can push the seat - recliner button in the armrest. 如果想舒展一下,您可以按扶手里的那个座位倾斜按钮。
  5. A bar chair for more than one person is a couch, sofa, settee, loveseat, recliner or bench. 组织阅卷,公布考试成绩;管理各海关审核报关员资格申请、颁发报关员资格证书事宜。
  6. But on Sunday afternoons, Dad would sit back in his recliner and ask me to play for him. 但在星期天下午,父亲会靠在他的躺椅上,让我为他演奏。