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2024-02-04 13:48:17
美[ˌrektɪfɪkeɪʃn]  英[ˌrektɪfɪkeɪʃn]
n.  改正;改订;矫正


  1. (chemistry) the process of refinement or purification of a substance by distillation
  2. the conversion of alternating current to direct current
  3. the act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake; setting right
  4. determination of the length of a curve; finding a straight line equal in length to a given curve


  1. What it means is that aside from these six, other rightists and those who errored all received rectification.意思就是说除了这六个右派,其它的右派和错误都得到了改正。
  2. Otherwise, repeat the rectification until the concrete base is up to the required standard.否则,矫正水泥板直至达到本要求。
  3. The pruning of segmental roots and branches and the repair rectification of trees should be undertaken by qualified tree specialists.由合资格的树木专家修剪树根及树枝和执行修补矫正树木的工作。