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2024-02-04 15:01:16
美[ˌriːˌdekəreɪʃn]  英[ˌriːˌdekəreɪʃn]
n.  重新装饰;再装饰(装修)


  1. Redecoration will come, as will the restoration of natural light. 我们会重新装修的,并且会让自然光 射进馆内。
  2. Some rooms were under redecoration, which created some noise. 那里的房间有一些装修得不是很好,所以晚上会有点噪音。
  3. After the redecoration,it focuses more on the "customers-centered" concept . 经全新改版后更凸显出“以人为本”的服务理念。
  4. Because of redecoration some of the museum rooms might be closed for viewing. 打算明天去买螃蟹,顺便接受艺术熏陶。
  5. Stripping the old wallpaper was just a beginning of the redecoration. 揭掉旧墙纸不过是重新装修的开始。
  6. King Edward VII oversaw a partial redecoration in a Belle epoque cream and gold colour scheme. 爱德华七世看到的是部分以美丽年代奶油主题和金色主题重新装修的白金汉宫。