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2024-02-04 15:46:16
美[riːdɪskaʊnt]  英[riːdɪskaʊnt]
v.  再打折扣;重贴现
n.  再折扣;重贴现票据
  过去式:rediscounted  过去分词:rediscounted  现在分词:rediscounting  第三人称单数:rediscounts


  1. Note: Data excludes the rediscount in this table. 注:本表数据不含商业银行在人民银行的再贴现。
  2. In the meantime, the central bank also cuts the reloan and rediscount rates. 同时,下调中央银行再贷款、再贴现等利率。
  3. In addition, the central bank to cut the rediscount rate and refinancing. 此外,央行此次继续下调了再贷款和再贴现利率。
  4. At the same time, the central bank reduced refinancing and rediscount rate. 同时,下调中央银行再贷款、再贴现利率。
  5. At the same time, the central bank refinancing and rediscount interest rates down again. 同时,中央银行再贷款、再贴现利率也再次被下调。
  6. And the monetary control means mainly includes legal reserve requirement rate control, rediscount rate control, and open market business control, etc. 金融调控手段主要有法定存款准备金率调控、再贴现率调控、公开市场业务调控等。