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2024-02-04 16:30:17
美[redskɪn]  英[redskɪn]
n.  红人


  1. (slang) offensive term for Native Americans


  1. Many redskin bit the dust in the battle. 许多印第安人在战斗中丧生。
  2. The Redskins quarterback just threw a touchdown pass for seven points. 因为射门得分,巨人队领先3分。
  3. Now Tom shivered from head to heel, for he caught sight of the stern face of Redskin Joe. 当汤姆看到印第安人乔那张凶暴的脸时,不禁全身发颤。
  4. The Redskins quarterback just threw a touchdown pass for seven points.Were losing again. 因为射门得分;巨人队领先3分.;但现在是红人队控球;而且很接近底线区了
  5. Potter and Redskin Joe had a handcart, from which they took a blanket, a rope and two spades. Then they began to open the grave. 彼得和印第安人乔推著一辆手推车,车上有条毯子、一条绳子和两把圆锹。接著他们就开始掘坟。
  6. Redskin Joe sprang to his feet, his eyes flaming with fury, snatched up Potters knife, and went creeping, cat-like, about the struggling men, seeking for an opportunity. 而印第人乔就飞快地站起来,眼睛燃烧著怒火,拿起了彼得的刀,在他们两人搏斗之际,像猫般地四处打转想找机会下手。