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2024-02-04 16:37:17
美[rɪduːsəbl]  英[rɪdjuːsəbl]
adj.  可缩小的;可降低的


  1. capable of being reduced;

    "reducible to a set of principles of human nature"


  1. Several reducible ions are present in the solution. 溶液中同时存在几种可还原的离子。
  2. The problem is not reducible to one of money. 这个问题不能简单地看作是钱的问题。
  3. Having a basis in or reducible to empirical factual knowledge. 认识力的有或可减少凭经验主义的实际知识的基础的
  4. It may be here premised that all forms of government are reducible to two general plans. 我们可以在这里提出一个前提:即一切政治都可归纳为两种基本方式。
  5. A configuration is reducible if no minimal 5 chromatic plane graph can contain it. 如果没有极小5色平面图能包含某个构形,就说此构形是可约的。
  6. The doctrine that mind and matter are formed, or reducible to, the same ultimate substance or principle of being. 单源论一种认为精神和物质都源于或可以分解为同一最终物质或原理的学说