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2024-02-04 16:53:17
美[rɪdjuːplɪkətɪv]  英[rɪdjuːplɪkətɪv]
adj.  反覆的;双重的;重复的


  1. Navigation of many reduplicative website is full of Internet. 大量重复的网站导航充斥着互联网。
  2. This is one is worth the fact with striking reduplicative. 这是一个值得重复的惊人的事实。
  3. Whether is the number of customs declaration reduplicative. 报关单的编号是否是重复的。
  4. Can person psychology let change so in dull reduplicative job everyday how? 每天都无聊重复的工作中这样会让人心理变的怎么样?
  5. A: Think auction travel and individual shop are reduplicative content. A:认为拍卖行和个人商店是重复的内容。
  6. Abstract: Reduplicative occupies an important place in different literatures. 文章摘要: 汉语和英语都存在许多叠词,在文学创作和各类体裁中广泛运用。