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2024-02-04 17:03:16
美[riːtʃəʊ]  英[riːtʃəʊ]
vt.  再回声(再回响; 使 ... 回想)
n.  反射


  1. echo repeatedly, echo again and again
  2. repeat or return an echo again or repeatedly; send (an echo) back
  3. repeat back like an echo


  1. To resound in or as if in a succession of echoes;reecho. 发出回声,回响:以或好象以一连串回声而共鸣;
  2. "One, two".The loud and powerful passwords reecho in the playground. “一、二”洪亮的声音在广场上回荡。
  3. To reecho;resound. 再回响回荡;回响
  4. To reecho; resound. 再回响回荡;回响
  5. The sighs of the shepherds reecho because their beautiful plain has been ravaged. The young lions roar reechoes because the fruitful valley of the Jordan is laid waste. 听!幼狮在咆哮,因为约但的豪华已遭摧残。
  6. Introducing of Soviet Unions Historiography into China and Its Modern Reecho 苏联史学输入中国及其现代回响