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2024-02-04 17:35:17
美[riːn]  英[riːn]
n.  <英方>沟; 排水沟


  1. A hedge between keeps friendship Love reen. 君子之交淡如水。
  2. Members can find Father Reen south of the Bank. 可以在银行南边找到。
  3. Reen Jasmine: with the chance of flute, let me know you! 青青茉莉花:长笛为缘,与你相识!
  4. A new type of healthy tea was made from lotus leaf,g reen tea,hawthorn,chrysanthemum and licorice. 研究了以荷叶为主要原料,配以绿茶、山楂、菊花、甘草等制备降脂保健茶的工艺条件。
  5. MARSHALL-CLARKE S,REEN D,TASKER L,et al.Neonatal immunity:how well has it grown up?[J].Immunol Today,2000,21(1):35-40. 张怡娟郭卫芳等.;早产儿免疫相关因素的分析[J]
  6. The cucumbers which did not return g reen in the experiment were made into sauced or sour and sweet cucumber. 并把不能复绿的原料加工成酱香黄瓜和糖醋黄瓜。