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2024-02-04 18:18:17
美[rɪfɜːr]  英[rɪfɜː(r)]
vt.  把 ... 提交;把 ... 归因;归类
vi.  参考;谈及;咨询
  形容词:referable  名词:referral  过去式:referred  过去分词:referred  现在分词:referring  第三人称单数:refers


  1. 认为
  2. 借助
  3. 参看,查看,参考
  4. 引证,引用
  5. 翻阅,查阅,查询
  6. 把...提交,交付,送交
  7. 委托,付托
  8. 有关系
  9. 叫...去打听
  10. 叫某人参看、查询
  11. 把…归因(于)认为…起源(于)
  12. 把…归类(于)把…归属(于)
  13. 指点,使求助于
  14. 论及,谈到,谈及,提及,提到,说到
  15. 涉及,有关
  16. 针对
  17. 关系到
  18. 适用于…
  19. 请教,求助


  1. vi. & vt. 提到; 针对 mention or speak about ; concern; be directed towards or be relevant to
  2. vi. 参考; 查阅 look at for information
  3. vt. 送交; 提交 hand over; submit
  4. vt. 归于 point to as the source or origin of


  1. make reference to;

    "His name was mentioned in connection with the invention"

  2. be relevant to;

    "There were lots of questions referring to her talk" "My remark pertained to your earlier comments"

  3. think of, regard, or classify under a subsuming principle or with a general group or in relation to another;

    "This plant can be referred to a known species"

  4. send or direct for treatment, information, or a decision;

    "refer a patient to a specialist" "refer a bill to a committee"

  5. seek information from;

    "You should consult the dictionary" "refer to your notes"

  6. have as a meaning;

    "`multi- denotes `many "

  7. use a name to designate;

    "Christians refer to the mother of Jesus as the Virgin Mary"


  1. refer briefly简短地提到
  2. refer generally通常称为
  3. refer obviously显然是
  4. refer roughly粗略地提到
  5. refer back重新回到
  1. refer to提及,涉及
  2. refer to children涉及小孩
  3. refer to ones past experiences提起过去的经历


  1. We referred the proposal to the board of directors.我们把这一建议提交董事会处理。
  2. You should refer this matter to the head office for a decision.你应当把这事提交总部去决定。
  3. He referred all his troubles to bad luck.他将他的一切麻烦都归因于运气不好。
  4. Botanists refer this flower to the rose family.植物学家将这花归入蔷薇科。
  1. You can refer to a dictionary if necessary.如果有必要,你可以参考字典。
  2. The speaker often referred to his notes.那位演讲者一再参考他的讲稿。
  3. Dont refer to this matter again please.请不要再提这件事了。
  4. She referred to the subject several times during her speech.在她的演讲中多次提到这个学科。
  5. Refer to the Manager if confusion arises.如有不清楚的地方,就咨询经理。


    refer的基本意思是“提及”,指直接地、有意地、明确地提到某事。含有说话人有资格对某事作出判断的意味。refer也可作“查阅”解,指顺便地查阅或对问题的某一点翻查权威资料,还可作“归于”解。 refer无论作不及物动词还是及物动词一般都须与介词to搭配。refer to表示“查阅,参考”“提到,提及”“对…而言,适用于”; refer...to则表示“把…提交给…”“把…归功于…”“把…称作…”。 在refer...to结构中, refer可接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。refer to还可接以as短语充当宾语补足语的复合宾语,意思是“把…称为”“认为…是…”。可用于被动结构。


  1. 既然你说到有些人很愚蠢,那你指的是谁?

    Who were you referring when you said some people were stupid?

    Who were you referring to when you said some people were stupid?


    The commander referred his experience during the war.

    The commander referred to his experience during the war.


    The dispute between the committee members is referred the chairman.

    The dispute between the committee members is referred to the chairman.



    She never refers to others when she has difficulties.

    She never refers herself to others when she has difficulties.

    表示“求助于…”应说refer oneself to, refer用作及物动词,通常接oneself作宾语。


    He referred us for information.

    He referred to us for information.

    refer to sb for sth 意思是“为某事而向某人提及”,亦即“向某人询问或打听某事”,其中to不可缺少。