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2024-02-04 18:34:17
美[riːfaɪt]  英[riːfaɪt]
v.  再战


  1. No one had the stomach to refight the Vietnam debate in the midst of Watergate. 在水门丑闻声中,没人有胆量再次为越南争端而站出来讲话。
  2. She was a veteran too, but she had no cronies with whom she could refight old battles. 有时候,一大早她就听见他骑马跑进后院,去敲仆人住房的门,好让波克搀扶他爬上后面的楼梯,把他弄到床上去。
  3. Later, they would refight battles and tell children and grandchildren of pranks and forays and charges, of hunger, forced marches and wounds, but not now. 往后,他们可能还要打仗,要把他们曾经怎样搞恶作剧,怎样抢东西怎样冲锋和饿肚子,怎样连夜行军和受伤住院等等,通通告诉自己的儿子和孙子可是现在不谈这些。
  4. No one had the stomach to refight the Vietnam debate in the midst of Watergate 在水门丑闻声中,没人有胆量再次为越南争端而站出来讲话。