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2024-02-04 19:04:16
美[trɪ]  英[trɪ]
n.  反射计


  1. Time-domain reflectometry (TDR): An impulse is transmitted into the loop. 时域反射器(TDR):一个脉冲发射给环路。
  2. NanoCalc Reflectometry System Analyzes Wide Range of Optical Layer Thicknesses. 分类:激光相关。
  3. Pediatric Airway and Esophageal Profiles with Acoustic Reflectometry. 儿科病人气道和食管的档案资料与听觉刺激器。
  4. This system mainly adopts the TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) method. 是我国地质灾害监测预报的发展趋势。
  5. Usually, it is found to be capacitive and would cause a voltage drop in the time-domain reflectometry (TDR) waveform. 通常连通柱结构是呈现电容的效应,因此在输入讯号端可以观察到电容性的反射波形。
  6. Abstract: Based on time domain reflectometry, a new technology is proposed for monitoring landslide. 摘 要: 基于时间域反射技术,提出一种滑坡监测的新技术。