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2024-02-04 20:30:16
美[rɪfʌndmənt]  英[rɪfʌndmənt]
n.  退款;退还


  1. Obtaining a refund from the company is a complicated procedure. 向公司索取退款手续很复杂。
  2. I have been instructed by the company to offer you a refund. 公司让我给您退款。
  3. She took the faulty radio back to the shop and demanded a refund. 她将有毛病的收音机拿回商店去要求退款。
  4. If the shoes do not wear well the shop will refund the money. 如果鞋不经穿,商店将退还你钱。
  5. We ask for a refund because we are overcharge. 因为他们索费过高,所以我们要求退款。
  6. I wonder if I can get a refund for this. 不知是否能退款?