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2024-02-04 23:48:16
美  英
n.  莱因霍尔德(m


  1. Manufacturing. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1993. 假设制程平均数为92,计算新的制程能力。
  2. "Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime" (Reinhold Niebuhr). “我们这辈子连一件有意义的事也没完成” (莱因霍尔德·尼泊赫)。
  3. Reinhold Messner, first man to climb Everest alone and without oxygen tanks. 第一个单独攀登珠穆朗玛峰时而没用氧气瓶的人。
  4. REINHOLD KOCH is the leader of the nanoacoustics group at the Paul Drude Institute for Solid State Electronics in Berlin. 柯克在德国柏林的德鲁得固态电子研究所领导奈米声学小组。
  5. The conception of individuality is the key to understand the whole system of Reinhold Niebuhrs thought. 摘要个体性思想是理解尼布尔整个思想体系的一个关键所在。
  6. Samuel A. Matz , Bakery Technology and Engineering 3rd ed., New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992. 赵晋府.;食品工艺学