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2024-02-04 23:54:16
美[riːɪnsɜːʃən]  英[riːɪnsɜːʃən]
n.  再次插入(恢复;直流成分恢复)


  1. Whats the time limit for the reinsertion? 复验的时限是什么时候?
  2. Where do you wish to reinsert the goods? 您希望在哪里复验商品?
  3. Turn off the power and reinsert the Game Card. 我的也不行;我出现Could not access save data.
  4. Turn off the power and reinsert the DS Card. 载入时出现:The data could not be written.
  5. Please turn the power off and reinsert the DS card. 是何解?要如何才玩到呢d游戏,请早日回覆!
  6. "Open the battery-cover and reinsert the battery. " 连接前电池重新安装一下。