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2024-02-05 00:49:17
美[rɪdʒuːvəneɪtə]  英[rɪdʒuːvɪˌneɪtə]
n.  使返老还童的人;返老还童药;回春剂


  1. We have measured and analysed the characteristics of the thermal defects,such as corrosion falling off,crack,efc of the rejuvenator,reacor and demister of acoetaldehyede equiment,the results can be applied to similar acetaldehyede eqipments. 通过红外热像的测试,结合设备结构特点,对乙醛装置设备再生器、反应器、除沫器及循环导管的脱落、裂纹、和减薄等热故障的热特性进行了分析与识别,获得的热像特性可供同类乙醛设备参考
  2. Evaluation on Performance of Asphalt Rejuvenator Agent 沥青再生剂性能评价研究
  3. The Development of Clinical Application of the Rejuvenator and A Study of Its Mechanism for the Treatment of Functional Erectile Dysfunction 回春仪的研制、临床应用及作用机理研究
  4. grass rejuvenator 草籽破皮机
  5. asphalt rejuvenator agent 沥青再生剂