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2024-02-05 00:59:17
美[rɪleɪt]  英[rɪleɪt]
v.  叙述;使有联系;有关联;涉及;符合;发生共鸣
  形容词:relatable  名词:relater  过去式:related  过去分词:related  现在分词:relating  第三人称单数:relates


  1. 叙述,讲(故事),讲述
  2. 有关,与...有关
  3. 相处,与...友好相处,相处的好
  4. 认同
  5. 欣赏
  6. 把...与...关联起来,与…有某种联系或关系
  7. 显示...与...的关系
  8. (使)联系,把…联系起来
  9. 符合
  10. 与...相适应
  11. 使结成亲戚
  12. 涉及
  13. 谈到
  14. 能够理解并同情,体恤
  15. 了解
  16. 体贴,关怀


  1. vt. 讲述; 叙述 tell a story
  2. vt. & vi. (把…)联系起来 connect in thought or meaning


  1. make a logical or causal connection;

    "I cannot connect these two pieces of evidence in my mind" "colligate these facts" "I cannot relate these events at all"

  2. be relevant to;

    "There were lots of questions referring to her talk" "My remark pertained to your earlier comments"

  3. give an account of;

    "The witness related the events"

  4. be in a relationship with;

    "How are these two observations related?"

  5. have or establish a relationship to;

    "She relates well to her peers"


  1. relate ones ideas叙述自己的观点
  2. relate the incident to sb把这件事讲给某人听
  3. relate a story讲故事
  4. relate sbs version of the incident讲述某人所看到的事情经过
  1. relate closely〔intimately〕密切相关
  2. relate confidently自信地讲述
  3. relate graphically生动地讲述
  4. relate gravely沙哑地讲述
  5. relate incredibly难以置信地讲述
  6. relate mirthfully欢快地讲述
  7. relate monotonously单调地讲述
  8. relate speciously似是而非地讲述
  9. relate sympathetically令人同情地讲述
  10. relate tediously冗长地讲述
  11. relate variously各种各样地讲述
  1. relate by blood有血缘关系
  2. relate to与…有关,与…相处
  3. relate to the case与这个案子有关
  4. relate to sb the story of向某人讲述…的经过
  5. relate ... with把…和…联系起来


  1. To what events did your remarks relate?你的话指的是什么事?
  2. It is difficult to relate cause and effect in this case.这个案件中的动机与结果很难联系起来。
  3. These two events were related to each other.这两个事件相互有联系。
  4. In what way does it relate to your current career?这跟您目前的职业有何关联呢?。
  5. Some adults cant relate to children.有些成年人不理解儿童的想法。


    relate作“讲述,叙述”解时是比较正式的用语,强调详细地、完整地、有条理地、连贯地叙述自己耳闻目睹或经历过的事情或经过。用作及物动词,其后接名词、代词、疑问词从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语须用to引出。 relate还可作“把…联系起来”解,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作不及物动词时,常与介词to连用,用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,宾语后常接介词with。