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2024-02-05 01:15:16
美[rɪleɪtə]  英[rɪleɪtə]
n.  叙述者;原告


  1. 叙述者
  2. 告发人
  3. 【律】原告
  4. 讲述者
  5. 【语法】关系词


  1. The Haigou gold deposit belongs to u ranium-gold deposit relat... 成矿水为岩浆水和大气降水的混合,成矿热源为燕山期花岗闪长岩。
  2. Criminal informations were formerly filed ex-relation of an individual known as the relator. 从前刑事检控被作为某个已知的有关人的某个人的“依据告发”。
  3. To each of these domains there corresponds a generator, and to each cross-over there corresponds a relator. 这些区域中的每一个对应于一个生成元,而每个交叉点对应于一个关系子。
  4. Class action , orgnization action , relator action and mass action are concrete patterns of public interest action. 集团诉讼、团体诉讼、民众诉讼、检举人诉讼等都是公益诉讼的具体形态。
  5. Glenn: I didnt know you wanted to get hitched. Lets just take our relat zonship slowly. 葛莱恩:我不知道原来妳想结婚。我们还是慢慢来吧。
  6. Accounting profits and economic profits are relat ed and different from each other. 会计利润和经济利润是一对既有联系又有区别的概念。