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2024-02-05 01:21:17
美[ˌriːlækseɪʃn]  英[ˌriːlækseɪʃn]
n.  消遣;松弛;放松


  1. 放松
  2. 休息
  3. 松弛
  4. 放宽
  5. 缓和
  6. 娱乐(活动)
  7. 消遣
  8. 减轻
  9. 松懈
  10. 休养
  11. 【物】张弛
  12. 弛豫
  13. 解闷
  14. 宽舒
  15. 衰弱
  16. 精力减退
  17. 用于放松消遣的时间
  18. 休闲活动
  19. 轻松


  1. (physiology) the gradual lengthening of inactive muscle or muscle fibers
  2. (physics) the exponential return of a system to equilibrium after a disturbance
  3. a feeling of refreshing tranquility and an absence of tension or worry;

    "the easiness we feel when sleeping"

  4. an occurrence of control or strength weakening;

    "the relaxation of requirements" "the loosening of his grip" "the slackening of the wind"

  5. freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility);

    "took his repose by the swimming pool"

  6. a method of solving simultaneous equations by guessing a solution and then reducing the errors that result by successive approximations until all the errors are less than some specified amount
  7. the act of making less strict


  1. Fishing is his favorite relaxation.他最喜爱的消遣是钓鱼。
  2. His day is evenly divided between work and relaxation.他一天的时间一半花在工作上,一半用在娱乐上。
  3. You need more rest and relaxation.你需要多休息,松弛一下。
  4. Would you like to have some relaxation after swimming?游完泳后你愿意放松一下吗?
  5. Relaxation exercises can free your body of tension.放松运动可以松缓身体的紧张。