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2024-02-05 01:24:16
美[rɪlæksɪdlɪ]  英[rɪlæksɪdlɪ]
adv.  松弛地;缓慢地;宽心地


  1. They could have played relaxedly in the 4th Quarter. 第四节,本来可以说是很轻松地打。
  2. Because of liking it, vocal music I have been over 8 steps very relaxedly. 因为喜欢,声乐我很轻松地过了8级。
  3. Let your enjoy relaxedly life, enjoys the wrestle to take to your infinite pleasure anytime and anywhere. 让你轻松享受生活,随时随地享受格斗带给你的无穷乐趣。
  4. Through LCD TV on insulation board and hi-fi sound around, you can enjoy theater effect freely and relaxedly. 通过隔音板上的液晶显示电视机及环绕四周的高保真音响,您可以轻松自在的享受影院效果。
  5. But the two didnt notice that.They hummed relaxedly and tossed on the back of the donkey! 可是父亲并没有发觉,还轻轻松松地哼着歌曲,一边在驴背上摇晃呢!
  6. Therefore, with the good fortune derived from A, they can proceed more relaxedly and realize their dreams more rapidly. 所以他们依靠源自A的幸运,能更轻松地前进,更快地梦想成真。