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2024-02-05 01:25:17
美[rɪlæksə]  英[rɪlæksə]
n.  张弛振荡器


  1. The dielectric nonlinearity of the PMN-PZN-PT relaxor ferroelectric ceramics under DC bias was investigated. 在一定温度范围内,对PMN-PZN-PT系弛豫铁电陶瓷直流偏压下的介电非线性进行了研究。
  2. The structure of order and disorder of relaxor ferroelectric ceramics is discussed here. 简要介绍了弛豫铁电陶瓷的有序-无序结构及其对材料相组成和介电性能的影响。
  3. The recent progress in studies of the ferroelectric phase transition and relaxor characteristics of Na_ 0. 基无铅铁电材料在铁电相变和弛豫特性方面近年来国内外的研究进展。
  4. Dielectric relaxor phenomena were analyzed according to complex dielectric responses in alternative electric field. 从电介质在交流电场下的介电响应角度,分析了体系的极化弛豫特征。
  5. The ceramic samples seem to be relaxor ferroelectrics from the plots of dielectric constant vs temperature. 测定了该体系陶瓷材料的介电常数-温度曲线,表明该体系陶瓷具有驰豫铁电体性质,给出了BT含量对该系陶瓷介电性能的影响规律。
  6. The lead based relaxor ferroelectric single crystals have received increasing attention for their potential application in many fields. 铅基弛豫型铁电单晶由于其具有潜在的巨大商业和军用价值日益受到了人们的重视。