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2024-02-05 01:26:17
美[riːleɪ]  英[riːleɪ]
vt.  转播;转达;中继;接力;接替
n.  继电器;接力赛;替班
  过去式:relayed  过去分词:relayed  现在分词:relaying  第三人称单数:relays


  1. 接替人员
  2. 转运
  3. 接替
  4. 传达
  5. 接力赛中的一程
  6. 替换的马,驿马
  7. 接力赛跑
  8. 分程传递,分程递送
  9. 中继转播
  10. 【机】伺服电机
  11. 【电、机】继电器
  12. 中继
  13. 接替的狗
  14. 旅馆
  15. 补给供应
  16. 【军】递骑
  1. 【无线电】转播;转达,转发,接转
  2. 分程传递,分程递送
  3. 用继电器控制
  4. (使)得到替换,(使)接替
  5. 重新放置,重新铺设
  6. 重新涂
  7. 用驿马递送
  8. 供给接替马匹
  9. 供给新材料
  10. (逐级)传达,传递
  11. 转,把...传给,把...转送
  12. 给…换班
  13. 播放
  14. 转述
  15. 重新放
  16. 转送,转运
  17. 补充
  18. 中继


  1. vt. 转述; 转达 pass on
  2. vt. 转播 transmit; send out by a system or apparatus that receives and passes on messages by telephone, radio, etc.


  1. the act of passing something along from one person or group to another;

    "the relay was successful"

  2. a crew of workers who relieve another crew
  3. a fresh team to relieve weary draft animals
  4. a race between teams; each member runs or swims part of the distance
  5. electrical device such that current flowing through it in one circuit can switch on and off a current in a second circuit
  1. pass along;

    "Please relay the news to the villagers"

  2. control or operate by relay


  1. relay letter接传信件
  2. relay message转达口信
  3. relay program转播节目
  4. relay task下达任务
  1. relay out发送…; 转播或传送…
  1. relay to把…传到…
  2. relay a message to a place把消息传到某处


  1. Images of the war were relayed around the world.世界各地转播了战争的图像。
  2. I will relay your opinion to the headmaster.我愿把你的意见转告校长。
  3. The Relay Agent could not start up its main thread.中继代理无法启动其主线程。
  4. Frame Relay Connection and Traffic Flow Control.帧中继连接和流量控制。
  5. The anchor man in a relay team runs last.接力队中的主力跑最后一棒。
  6. Our Torch Relay will break new ground.我们的火炬接力将开创新局面。
  1. This relay connects one input to one output.该继电器将一个输入连接到一个输出。
  2. Six teams competed in yesterdays relay race.六个队参加了昨天的接力赛。
  3. The anchor man in a relay team runs last.接力队中的主力跑最后一棒。
  4. A new relay of horses was harnessed to the cart.用作轮换的马都已套到了那辆马车上。


    relay的基本意思是“转述,转达”,一般指传达消息、信息等,用作及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语须由to来引出。 relay也可作“转播”解,可指通过卫星、无线电等来传播信息、节目等,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。 relay的过去式和过去分词均为relayed。