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2024-02-05 01:58:16
美[rɪliːvə]  英[rɪliːvə]
n.  救济者;接替者


  1. someone who takes the place of another (as when things get dangerous or difficult);

    "the star had a stand-in for dangerous scenes" "we need extra employees for summer fill-ins"

  2. a person who reduces the intensity (e.g., of fears) and calms and pacifies;

    "a reliever of anxiety" "an allayer of fears"

  3. a pitcher who does not start the game


  1. The doctor prescribed a pain reliever. 医生开了一副止疼药。
  2. No reliever threw a pitch in the bullpen. 没有任何一位救援投手在牛棚中练投。
  3. Crying can be a great stress reliever. 哭是一种很好的减压方式。
  4. I think I can take most medicine except for strong pain reliever. 除了止痛片以外大多数药我都可以服用。
  5. Humor is therapeutic. It is a pain reliever for painful times. 幽默有治疗作用,痛苦时,它是止痛剂。
  6. Kyle Farnsworth will be the primary eighth-inning reliever. 在初期由方思沃成为在第八局的救援投手。