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2024-02-05 02:01:17
美[riːlaɪt]  英[riːlaɪt]
vt.  重新点火(再次起动)


  1. Oxygen gas can relight a glowing splint. 氧气可重燃有馀烬的木条。
  2. Will CITs failure relight the financial crisis? 是否CIT集团的破产会引发下一轮的经济危机?
  3. A few years later, when he was sixteen, he made a film called...relight. 几年后,十六岁的他拍摄了电影《火光》。
  4. They dragged the wet girl to another location and attempted to relight it. 他们把湿淋淋的烤架拖到另外一个位置,准备重新点燃它。
  5. Pious Pete teleports you from what you are doing to a church to relight his candles. 虔诚的皮特将你传送到一个教堂,并请你帮他点燃蜡烛。
  6. A wonderful blend of intelligence and passion, ONeill would relight Uniteds fire. 奥尼尔集智慧和热情于一身,他将让曼联这团火焰再次热烈燃烧。