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2024-02-05 02:11:17
美[rɪlɪdʒɪoʊsoʊ]  英[relɪdʒɪəʊsəʊ]
adv.  虔诚地(的)
adj.  虔诚地(的)


  1. While the western focus on divinity, and represents religioso yearning for God and eternity, even religious fanaticism. 西方古代建筑则以神为中心,表现出对上帝、来世的虔诚向往和宗教迷狂。
  2. While the western focus on divinity, and represents religioso yearning for God and etern i ty, even re I i g i ous f anat i c i sm. 西方古代建筑则以神为中心,表现出对上帝、来世的虔诚向往和宗教迷狂。