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2024-02-05 02:19:17
美[relɪk]  英[relɪk]
n.  <古>(=relic)遗物; 遗迹; 遗俗; 遗风; 遗体; 纪念品


  1. Wow!So many.Beware the relique of minority. 哗!这么多;想搞义和团吗?小心少数民族遗风.
  2. Mid-fall festival maybe the relique of autumn harvest. 中秋可能就是秋报的遗俗。
  3. Donation of relique is important to not only medicine development,but the social civilization also. 遗体捐献对于科学普及、医学进步、殡葬改革、移风易俗和文明建设都有深远的社会意义。
  4. Thanks for everybodys attention.This Dao is 93cm in full length.The stature is like Japanese Dao,but the fitting has the relique of Ming Qing dynasty. 谢谢大家关注,此刀全长93公分,身材酷似日式刀,但装具均显明清遗风。
  5. Zhang Leping Memorial has collected over thousands of original and complete articles of Mr.Zhang Lepings distributed pictures, and photos and relique etc. 张乐平纪念馆收藏了“三毛之父”张乐平先生近千幅原作精品历次出版的画集,以及生前照片和遗物等。
  6. We can summarize grass culture through investigating living practice, such as grass products, festival about grass, custom about grass, historic relique about grass. 其二,从理论与实践结合来研究,在生活实践中,如草的生产、草节草会、民俗民情、历史遗迹中去调查总结,领悟草文化;