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2024-02-05 04:03:17
美[ˌriːmɒnstreɪʃən]  英[ˌriːmɒnstreɪʃən]
n.  抗议;忠告;规劝


  1. the act of expressing earnest opposition or protest


  1. I could often hear the teachers voice in the nest room, remonstration about some unimportant matter. 我常常可以听到隔壁那位教师的声音,他在争论一些无关紧要的问题。
  2. I could often hear the teachers voice in the nest room,remonstration about some unimportant matter. 我常常可以听到隔壁那位教师的声音,他在争论一些无关紧要的问题。
  3. Therefore, this paper analyzes Wangs art of remonstration and persuasion from the angle of rhetoric inference, and discusses its law and characteristics. 所以本文从修辞式推论的角度对王熙凤的规劝说服艺术进行分析,探讨王熙凤规劝说服艺术的规律和特征。
  4. However, there is no literature concerned with WangXifeng from the angle of remonstration and persuasion, which is very the important aspect of this figure. 不过从规劝说服的角度对王熙凤进行研究尚无人涉及,而这是王熙凤的最重要的一面。
  5. The moment it appears in the mental and linguistic activities of ancient scholars, ya xie has already possessed two major roles, the role as an emotional outlet and that as a satire and remonstration. 当它一开始出现于古代士人的心智活动和语言活动时,它就具备了两个方面的主要功能:情绪导泄功能和讽谏功能。
  6. In China,people like drama clowns,because of their unique stage performance,their funny and inspiring stage feeling,and their stage function of pursuing entertainment,remonstration and adjustment. 戏曲丑角是备受我国观众喜爱的角色,这与丑角独特的舞台表演紧密相连,也与丑角给观众以滑稽之趣、灵动之美的舞台感受紧密相连,同时也与丑角追求娱乐、丑刺、调剂的舞台功能紧密相连。