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2024-02-05 04:42:16
美[rɪneɪsnt]  英[rɪneɪsnt]
adj.  <正式文>复兴的; 再生的


  1. rising again as to new life and vigor;

    "resurgent nationalism"


  1. Of area creed renascent, especially from black.. 区域主义的复活,尤其从乌...
  2. Jesus makes them renascent then, turn them into wanted look. 耶稣于是让他们复活,变成他们想要的样子。
  3. Some renascent mortal got arthritis and myocarditis,and whether they will be senescence or juvenescence is a question. 新兴的人类得了关节炎和心肌炎。他们是否会衰老还是返老还童,这是个问题。
  4. The people of china have made great effort to realise the nation renascent for hundred years. 一百年以来,中国人民为了实现民族复兴的目标做出了不懈的努力。
  5. All renascent oxygen is consumed for oxidizing metal anode to form metal oxide film. 当形成足够厚的氧化膜后, 阳极的氧化速度减慢, 阳极表面才析出氧气。
  6. And each other of trojan of a lot of pairs of processes is surveillance now, mutual and renascent. 而且现在很多双进程木马互为监视,互相复活。