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2024-02-05 05:21:16
美[riːnəˌgræm]  英[riːnəgræm]
n.  [医]肾X光照片;肾探测图


  1. The result shows that renogram is a very sensitive diagnostic index and particularly has a practical value in the diagnosis of the radioparent calculus or tiny urinary lithiasis. 结果提示,肾图中梗阻性图形的阳性率为95%25,认为肾图检查是非常敏感的一项诊断指标,尤其在透光性结石或微小结石的诊断上有独特的应用价值。
  2. For comparative study, 131 I OIH renogram was carried out in 40, serum BUN and Cr assay in 20 and ultrasonography, KUB, IVU in 40. The coincidence rate of diagnosis was 73%, 75% and 90% respectively. 40例病人同时作肾图,20例作血清尿素氮和肌酐检查,40例做B超、KUB、IVU检查,符合率分别为73%25、75%25和90%25。
  3. The renogram and clinical analysis of pyelitis 肾盂肾炎的肾图与临床分析
  4. radioisotope renogram examination apparatus 放射性同位素肾图仪
  5. Keywords Radionuclide Renogram Uretic Metabolizing parameter; 放射性核素;肾图;利尿剂;代谢参数;
  6. 2. undstand the clinical application of diuresis renogram. 了解利尿肾图的临床应用。