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2024-02-05 05:23:16
美[riːˌnɒməneɪʃən]  英[riːˌnɒmɪneɪʃən]
n.  再指名;再任命


  1. Bernankes renomination requires Senate confirmation. 这一提名还需要获得参议院的确认。
  2. As election approaches members are very impatient to get home and look after their fences--that is to make preparations for a renomination. 当选举临近时,评论员们都非常急于要回家拉关系,以便为取得再提名作准备。
  3. Roosevelt by the end of May was privately boasting that he had prevented his own renomination and could dictate the naming of Taft. 但在5月底,罗斯福私下夸耀他已经阻止对他的重新提名,并能控制大会提名塔夫脱。
  4. The second reason why the renomination makes sense has less to do with Mr Bernankes strengths than with the dangers of ditching him. 此次提名之所以明智的第二个原因与其说是在于伯南克的实力,不如说在于舍弃伯南克有多危险。
  5. President Carter seemed to have survived a vigorous challenge to his renomination from Senator Edward Kennedy, but Kennedy had not withdrawn. 卡特总统的再次提名遇到了来自爱德华.;肯尼迪参议员的巨大挑战,不过还是侥幸过关了。但是肯尼迪并没有放弃竞争。
  6. But Washington initially opposed his renomination this year to a third term, saying he was being too soft on Iran for not declaring it in violation of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. 但今年华府当局起初却反对他第三任期的任命案,表示他对伊朗过于软弱,未宣布该国违反防止核扩散条约。