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2024-02-05 05:27:16
美[rɪnaʊnsmənt]  英[rɪnaʊnsmənt]
n.  放弃;拒绝;否认


  1. an act (spoken or written) declaring that something is surrendered or disowned


  1. Renouncement is another word he often used. 舍弃是他惯用的另一个字。
  2. As for the renouncement of legitimate child, the paper defines its limitation in time, right perdition and relevant almsgiving measurements. 明确婚生子女否认的时效限制、权利灭失,以及相应的救济措施。
  3. However, his shift towards tradition can"t be simply defined as a renouncement to conterboirary literature and an adherence to the old value system. 然而,这种对于传统的回归并不能简单地判断为对文学现代性的背叛及对旧有价值体系的固守。
  4. The paper presents an analysis of the sources of the three Islamic taboos:no display of the portraits of Allah,no alcoholic drinks and no renouncement of ones family to become a monk or a nun. 本文分析了伊斯兰教禁肖像、禁酒、禁出家修行这三大禁忌的原因。
  5. Minimization of joint volumes, renouncement of joint preparation , and omission of pre-and post treatment of welded joints reduce manufacturing costs of marine vessels and structures. 容积最低化、免坡口及免焊前焊后处理等都是节省海洋装备、船舶制造成本的有效方式。
  6. Finally, the paper advances legislative consumption in detail to perfect the system of legitimate child"s renouncement in China and also concretely makes some legislative suggestions. 最后对完善我国婚生子女否认制度进行了立法上的具体设想,并提出了具体的立法建议。