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2024-02-05 05:49:17
美[riːɒkjʊpeɪʃən]  英[riːɒkjʊpeɪʃən]
n.  再占领;收复


  1. In the meantime, Prime Minister Sharons government continued to move forward with reoccupation of the West Bank towns. 在此同时,总理夏隆的政府继续推动重新占领约旦河西岸城镇。
  2. A new software tool that allows for rapid reoccupation of contaminated buildings has been developed and funded by U. 美国政府机构投资开发一项新工具软体,可快速复原遭污染之建筑物。
  3. Reoccupation of gold jewelry wedding jewelry market has become the mainstream of consumer wedding. 黄金饰品重新占领婚庆珠宝市场,成为婚庆消费的主流。
  4. The ending part is the conclusion: we conclude the experience of Sinkiang reoccupation made by Zuo Zongtang, and the characters of his strategy. 最后是本文的结论:总结左宗棠成功规划收复新疆的经验,以及其规划方略的特点。
  5. Accordingly, Britain and France started to co-ordinate plans for a military invasion of Egypt and a reoccupation of the canal zone. 于是,英国和法国开始计划对等的军事入侵埃及并重新占领运河地区。
  6. And any hopes its leaders have of overthrowing Hamass government in Gaza are probably illusory, unless a long-term reoccupation of the territory is undertaken. 而且推翻加沙哈马斯政府的希望很可能是幻想,除非可以长期重新占领这片土地。