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2024-02-05 05:50:16
美[riːɒkjəˌpaɪ]  英[riːɒkjʊpaɪ]
vt.  再占用(使 ... 再从事)


  1. Reoccupy block defect creams can let you look very false. 再用遮瑕膏会让你看起来非常假。
  2. Israel says it has no plans to permanently reoccupy Gaza. 以色列称其并没有长期占领加沙地区的意图。
  3. Sirocco of the 9 reoccupy after making up boasts catch hair. 陷阱九化好妆后再用热风吹头发。
  4. But, before daub, must pass the reoccupy of the doctor after enjoining. 但是,涂抹之前,必须经过医生的嘱咐后再用。
  5. Lupin will not reoccupy his role as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. 卢平不会重回霍格沃兹作为黑魔法防御术的教师.
  6. Reoccupy white porcelain, or simple ligneous knob does shake handshandle. 再用白瓷、或简单的木制旋钮做拉手。