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2024-02-05 06:08:16
美[rɪperəbl]  英[rɪpeərəbl]
adj.  可修理的;可赔偿的;可挽回的


  1. She turned the chair on its side to repair it. 她把椅子翻转过来修理。
  2. I have to wait in for the repair man. 我只得在家里等修理工。
  3. Im all at sea; Ive no idea how to repair cars. 我手足无措,不知道怎样修理汽车。
  4. John managed to repair his car by himself. 约翰设法独力修理自己的汽车。
  5. The lorry was damaged beyond hope of repair. 卡车严重损坏,已无修复的希望。
  6. Dust the repair to prevent adhesion to outer cover. 清整修补处以防与外胎粘连。