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2024-02-05 06:14:17
美[repərəbəl]  英[repərəbl]
adj.  能补救的;可挽回的
  副词:reparably  名词:reparability


  1. capable of being repaired or rectified;

    "reparable damage to the car" "rectifiable wrongs"


  1. We can hope the damage is reparable. 但这点损伤,我们还是可以有望弥补的。
  2. Reparable damage to the car;reparable wrongs. 对汽车造成可修理的损害;
  3. The woman work seven oclock.The man repar the car a quater past five.The girl study portuguese nine thirty-five. 提供六个人的活动时间: 一个女人、一个男人、一个女孩、一个男孩、你和我。
  4. Her mistakes looked easily reparable in the light of her restored self-confidence. 她恢复了自信心以后,所犯的错误似乎也并非不可补救了。
  5. This destruction is, perhaps, the least reparable of the ecological ravages which distinguish our age. 这种语言上的破坏,或许是我们历史阶段的社会生态破坏中最不能修复的。
  6. The failure models of reparable system under different repairing games are constructed according to the reliability theory. 根据可靠性理论,建立不同的维修策略下可修复系统的失效模型。